About RHSC


Rye Harbour Sailing Club is situated on the River Rother close to Rye Bay where excellent sailing is enjoyed all year round. We have active dinghy and cruising divisions and year round events both sailing and social.

The club prides itself in the diversity of its members’ sailing interests and in the variety of yacht and dinghy classes that are enjoyed. Some members undertake substantial annual passages whilst others are happy to mess around on the river!

We have an active racing program for cruisers in the spring to autumn and for dinghies year round. Our position on the River Rother enables us to have dinghy races in the river or out in Rye Bay, depending on the weather conditions.

The Club has dual parentage, The Rye Bay Yacht Club which was founded in 1925 and The Rye Harbour Sailing Club which was founded in 1934. The two amalgamated to form the present Rye Harbour Sailing Club (RHSC).

Club Management

President Mark Whiteman

Commodore Peter Joyce

Vice Commodore Sara Milner

Rear Commodore Cruisers David Preston

Rear Commodore Dinghy Simon Marsh

Rear Commodore House Andrew Hewitt

Hon. Treasurer Jeremy Short

Hon. Secretary John Powell OBE

Membership Secretary Peter Joyce

Social Secretary Deirdre Issad

Rescue Boat Coxswain Mark Whiteman

Berthing Master Jeremy Short

Committee Member & Club House Bookings Alison Short

Committee Member Paul Whiteman

Committee Member David Townsley

Committee Member Rick Elliott

Committee Member Claire Powell

Committee Member Clare de Jersey-Lowney

Bar Jake Wade

Safeguarding Claire Powell

Trustee Bill Lewis

Trustee Jeremy short

Trustee Eric Zon

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Live Weather

Live weather courtesy of Romney Marsh Dymchurch Beachcam